Tuesday, November 8, 2011

10 Day Challenge ... Day 10 Picture

This picture pretty much says it all ... definitely worth a thousand words, but I will give it a few more. Here I am with my best friend, partner and soul mate. I am never happier than when I am with him. I'm just lucky he is a ton of fun and great in the sack. It's good he is used to me. Sorry Jeannie if you are reading this, just cover your ears .... lalalala can't hear you, right?

10 Day Challenge ... Day 9 Songs

I love music and it's a big part of many of our lives. Here are two songs that speak to me for different reasons.

1. Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas ... I really don't know exactly why I love this song so much, but I never get tired of hearing it. I can't wait to see them in concert on 11/11/11! I still tear up a little when I sing this one on Rockband and it has been my ringtone for about two years.

2. Tonight and the Rest of My Life by Nina Gordon ... Because this is our song and it always makes me think about Paul, the love of my life.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 8 Films

I absolutely love the escape of watching a film. I've lost myself in so many over the years, it was almost impossible to pick just three, but I did.

1. Breakfast at Tiffany's - I wanted to be glamor girl Holly Golightly and heck she even found true love with her best friend Paul. Hmmmm sounds familiar to me for some reason ...

2. The Twilight Series - I have a very strong imagination, but these movies did the books justice in my opinion. I love them and don't really care what anyone (who isn't a fan of the series) has to say about it.

3. The Exorcist - I know this one does not really fit with the others, but this is where I first realized that I love horror movies. People are a little taken aback when they hear I was under ten years old when I watched this ... with my mom ... at night. But, I stand by it being a fantastic movie that sparked my interest with horror.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 7 Books

This one may have been the most difficult for me to do because I love to read so much. I had to narrow it down quite a bit.

1. The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer - I really fell in love with this series and have a deep admiration for Stephenie Meyer for bringing this story into my life. I felt like I could not read them fast enough. I spent hours and missed sleep devouring book after book. They will always have a special place in my heart.

2. Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - A classic with such a specific tone. When my best friend Jessica was blocked with an "H" name for her son, the main character, Holden came to me and she loved it. One of my favorite characters in literature is going to be immortalized in my godson forever ... and I could not be happier!

3. The Mayfair Witches Saga by Anne Rice - This is a rich and beautiful story of a family whose background is complicated. Taking place mostly in Louisiana, the background is set so vividly you can smell the beignets.

4. How to be Lovely: The Audrey Hepburn Way of Life by Melissa Hellstern - This book uses many quotes from Audrey and people that were close to her. It always puts me in a good mood.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 6 Foods

Food Noun: Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life or growth.

"Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you, and be silent." - Epictetus

1. Kale ... I love it in any form, but my favorite is homemade Kale Chips

2. Chocolate ... I'm pretty sure this needs no further expanding.

3. Avocado ... Art in nature. I could eat avocado every single day and not get bored of it.

4. My Everything Vegan Cassarole ... It does not have a recipe (sorry) and it is delicious!

5. Cakes (for a big statement) and cupcakes (for a smaller indulgence) ... Both have endless possibilities. Cakes can be grand and cupcakes cute. Either way, I'll take them. Nothing quite says celebration like cake or cupcakes ... and Champagne.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 5 Places

I took this part of the challenge as places I want to visit. They are somewhat varied, but all speak to me for different reasons.

1. I have always wanted to go to France. In the 9th grade, I wanted to take French, but figured Culture would be more well rounded. I should have listened to my gut. Oui!

2. My mother and paternal grandmother loved going to Italy together. My mom still talks about Italy like she grew up there. I for one would love to experience the culture, art and food first hand.

3. My husband went to the United Kingdom for a work trip and fell in love with it. Just hearing his stories and enthusiasm for the area made me add it to my places list.

4. I'm not sure when my longing to experience Greece started, but it has never waned. The water in pictures looks stunning and I love Greek food also. How can you go wrong with the place where Baklava originated?

5. I really want to go to Harry Potter World before it closes or I die. It seems like it would be magical to experience.

6. I have been to Las Vegas before, but my husband has not. I think it would be a blast if we went together. I also want to experience the Adult Entertainment Expo there one year. But, that part would be more for me than Paul. I still think I have better ideas for adult entertainment than what is out there right now.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 4 Wants

Want : Verb - Have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for

1. I want to be healthy. I know this sounds simple and general, but it is not. I could write a whole post on what this means to me, but I think this one I will keep to myself.

2. I want an organized life. To me this means, mind, body, soul and home. The clutter drives me crazy, yet ...

3. I want balance. This is closely related to the previous wants, but it means shying away from my all or nothing and I want it right now attitude. What can I say? Old habits are hard to break.

4. I want to move into a place with a decent kitchen. It bugs me to no end that the two drawers I have in my kitchen are too small for a silverware holder. Ahhhhhhhhh!

5. I want to procrastinate less ... I'll start that tomorrow. All joking aside, there are so many things I want to do in life that I just let fall to the wayside because I've procrastinated too long.

6. I want to keep writing. I have so many thoughts in my head, it really is a jumble up there. I love writing, but my procrastinating nature does not. Time for me to win for a change.

7. I want to do yoga and meditate. I think it would help with the jumble mentioned earlier. Every time I've done yoga, I have been extremely relaxed. I definitely need more of that.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 3 Fears

Some of my fears are small and some go a little more deep.

1. I am terrified of spiders. As Jess can attest, I will freak out at the site of a large one. When we lived next door to each other and the guys were out to sea, I would make her kill them. Thanks again Jess!

2. I really don't want to adopt my parents bad habits and traits. They both have many good ones, but like all kids I think, we don't want to keep their undesirable ones.

3. I don't want to lose my identity and become just a boring housewife. I have friends that have succeeded in staying themselves, but I have also seen people completely change who they are because they got married. I want to stay an original.

4. I am scared of leaving this world with regrets. I know I need to leave the past where it belongs and look forward to the great moments, but it is difficult for me to shake my blunders.

5. I fear my dog won't live forever ... yes, I know this is impossible. I just know that when that day comes, I will be a mess.

6. I don't want to coast through life. I want to live and thrive, not just survive. It depends on the day, sometimes I am thriving, sometimes surviving.

7. I fear that sometimes my bluntness can be too much for some people. While I don't care about every person that my approach affects, I never want to lose a REAL friend because I could not keep my mouth shut.

8. The thought of a cat attacking me freaks me the frack out! I have a reoccurring dream where a cat basically kills me (which I have had since I was about 5 or 6 years old), which is probably why I am not too fond of them.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 2 Loves

Aside from my obvious loves ...

1. I love my marriage, I know this seems like one of those obvious "of course you love your husband" ones, but it is not. I love that we have been married for 10 years and it is built on a strong foundation of friendship. We play and laugh together and I love that.

2. I love cooking, especially without a recipe. I love the adventure of putting something together from what is in the fridge and pantry.

3. Rainy day + Tea + Good Book = Major Love!

4. I love to take long baths while reading magazines (a harmless addiction).

5. I love horror movies! The excitement, the adrenaline rush, the fear ... I love it all.

6. I love a real Brunch, complete with Lox and Bagels and Mimosas.

7. I love my best friend Jessica's son to be, Holden. I love that Paul and I are his godparents slash guardians. He isn't even born yet and I love everything about him. I especially love how happy he has made his mommy. I can't wait to meet him!

8. I love being creative ... I'm not artistic, but I am creative. Stamping, painting pottery and writing brings me great joy.

9. I love music! I love going to concerts, making music mixes and discovering new music.

10 Day Challenge ... Day 1 Secrets

I want to write more and this is the perfect format for me to start with. I will probably do them all at once because I'm in that kind of mood. Thank you Emily for the inspiration.

1. I love kids! I just resent it when people expect me to love their unruly brats. There's nothing worse than someone trying to hand me their garbage pail kid when I did not ask to hold them.

2. Many people think I'm blunt, but you should hear what I keep to myself.

3. I used to horseback ride and I miss it terribly.

4. I kinda wish I was telekinetic, I even have dreams about it.

5. I fantasize "angrily" when I work out. People that have pissed me off get their asses kicked when I'm on the elliptical.

6. I actually failed the 8th grade, but tested high enough to move on to the next grade when my parents switched me over to private school.

7. I have the bad habit of thinking about the past and future when I am trying to fall asleep. I wish I could train my brain to stay in the present.

8. I dislike it when religious people try to force their beliefs on me but ... I hate it more when some Atheists act superior to those who have faith. It's obnoxious and unnecessary.

9. My Freshman year of high school, I dated a Senior mostly because I thought it was cool. Don't get me wrong, he was a great guy, but I thought I was the coolest for dating him. Ahhh, to be young and dumb.

10. My 14 year old self would kick my ass! I had more passion for causes and was way more organized and ... the list could go on and on.

Friday, October 14, 2011

My Fall to do List

  • go apple picking
  • press fall leaves
  • make caramel apples
  • go to a pumpkin patch
  • take MacInnis for lots of walks (don't forget camera)
  • paint & carve pumpkins
  • cuddle tons
  • make hot apple cider
  • make more pumpkins dishes
  • bake bread
  • breathe deeply
  • watch The Great Pumpkin (Charlie Brown)
  • craft more
  • send real mail to friends & family
  • cook at least one slow cooker meal a week
  • eat more locally
  • drink more water
  • take care of my skin (get ready for winter)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Me from A to Z

A. Age: 30

B. Bed size: King, we have to have enough room for 2 adults and 1 adorable dog.

C. Chore that you hate: Cleaning the bathtub, so uncomfortable.

D. Dogs:
We have one adorable King Charles Cavalier Spaniel aka MacInnis.

E. Essential start to your day: Breakfast is essential as are dog belly rubs.

F. Favorite color: I am a pink girl.

G. Gold or Silver: Silver.

H. Height:
5' 3"

I. Instruments you play(ed):
I don't play any instruments.

J. Job title:
Stay at home wife.

K. Kids:
Just the furry one.

L. Live:
La Plata, Maryland

M. Mother’s name:

N. Nicknames:
Liz, Riz, and Lizzle

O. Overnight hospital stays:

P. Pet peeves:
I hate having my ears plugged and I used to hate interrupters, but that is starting to subside.

Q. Quote from a movie:
"Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?" Heather Chandler (Heathers)

R. Right or left handed:

S. Siblings:
One younger brother, Sean.

T. Time you wake up:
4:30 am ... I make my husband his lunch, drive him to the Metro Station, then go back to bed.

U. Underwear:
Yes, I wear them.

V. Vegetable you hate: I dislike Lima Beans.

W. What makes you run late: Not much.

X. X-Ray vision or Super Hearing?
Super Hearing

Y. Yummy food that you make: Sauteed Tortellini with Shrimp

Z. Zoo animal: Polar Bears