Tuesday, November 8, 2011

10 Day Challenge ... Day 3 Fears

Some of my fears are small and some go a little more deep.

1. I am terrified of spiders. As Jess can attest, I will freak out at the site of a large one. When we lived next door to each other and the guys were out to sea, I would make her kill them. Thanks again Jess!

2. I really don't want to adopt my parents bad habits and traits. They both have many good ones, but like all kids I think, we don't want to keep their undesirable ones.

3. I don't want to lose my identity and become just a boring housewife. I have friends that have succeeded in staying themselves, but I have also seen people completely change who they are because they got married. I want to stay an original.

4. I am scared of leaving this world with regrets. I know I need to leave the past where it belongs and look forward to the great moments, but it is difficult for me to shake my blunders.

5. I fear my dog won't live forever ... yes, I know this is impossible. I just know that when that day comes, I will be a mess.

6. I don't want to coast through life. I want to live and thrive, not just survive. It depends on the day, sometimes I am thriving, sometimes surviving.

7. I fear that sometimes my bluntness can be too much for some people. While I don't care about every person that my approach affects, I never want to lose a REAL friend because I could not keep my mouth shut.

8. The thought of a cat attacking me freaks me the frack out! I have a reoccurring dream where a cat basically kills me (which I have had since I was about 5 or 6 years old), which is probably why I am not too fond of them.

1 comment:

  1. I will forever be your spider killer, and I don't mind. :)
